; This file contains all strings that are used in IChat
; How can you add support for your language?
; It's very easy now.
; 1. Make copy of this file and translate it
; 3. In language.ini:
; 1. Increate value of "Count" in main section on 1.
; 2. Create section with name Language<count> like it made for other languages.
; 3. Set name of your language like it's done for other languages
; 4. Set name of the INI file that you translated like it's done for other languages.
; After this your language will appear in the list of languages.
; You can select it and chat will use it.
; Some comments to the translation:
; 1. Before equal sign it's a identificator.
; Don't change anything in it.
; Leave it like it is.
; 2. Don't care about length of string in English and your language.
; Chat will change position on the form and it will look good.
; 3. If you need to use " in the begging of the string then put # before it.
; In other case it will cut it.
; Example:
; 10039=#"Name
; 4. If you need to use " in the end of the string then put " after it.
; In other case it will cut it.
; Example:
; 10039=Name"#
; 5. If you need to use space in the begging of the string then put " before it.
; In other case it will cut it.
; Example:
; 10039=# Name
; 6. If you need to use space in the end of the string then put " after it.
; In other case it will cut it.
; Example:
; 10039=Name #
; 7. Sometimes it's mecessary to cut message of some lines. For example how
; help message (/? command) looks:
; 9000=Alert has been arrived\rPrivate chat has been created\rLine has been created\rMessage board has been updated\rMessage in common chat has been arrived\rMessage in line has been arrived\rMessage in private chat has been arrived\rMass private message has been arrived\rPrivate message has been arrived\rUser has connected\rUser has disconnected\rUser has renamed
; Then you can use \r and \n combinations. Test after \r\n will be moved on the
; next line.
; 8. If string contains %s or %d it means that these combinations will be changed
; to something. For example command that is show in user menu:
; 11031=Insert "%s:" in message
; In this case %s will be changed to the name of the user that is selected in
; the list. For all such strings you have to put all these %s or %d in the right
; place in your language sentense. So that sentense will be right and will be
; understood right.
; I will give explanations for all such cases before them.
; 9. Some of the strings are list of values for the combobox or tree. Such lists
; in the begging and in the # end always contain ". Leave like it is.
; Values in such lists are separated by ,.
; If one of the values is more then one word then such values are taken in "
; You have to do the same if value on your language will contains more then one
pmnuGroupsAdd.Caption=Afegir grup de feina/domini/Adreτa IP
pmnuGroupsSelect.Caption=Seleccionar i afegir grup feina/domini
pmnuGroupsIPs.Caption=Afegir un rang adreces IP
pmnuGroupsClear.Caption=Esborrar tot
pmnuGroupsLoad.Caption=Carregar des d'un arxiu
pmnuGroupsSave.Caption=Guardar en un arxiu
LabelChatHotKey.Caption=Tecla abreviada per fer 'chat':
LabelStoredLinesCount.Caption=Nombre de missatges guardats:
LabelAutoAway.Caption=minuts d'inactivitat
TreeView.Items=#"Veure missatges","[Hora] <De>: message","[Hora] <envio>: missatge","<De>: missatge",General,"Cαrregar chat al arrancar Windows","Veure icona en la barra de sistema","Veure els segons en l'hora","Esborrar editor multilφnia desprΘs d'enviar el missatge","NomΘs enviar el paragraf actual en el editor multilφnia","De forma automαtica, comprovar qui envia el missatge privat","Convertir 'smiles' (cares) a dibuixos automαticament"#
cbAutoAway.Caption=Canviar a modo "Estic absent" desprΘs
cbAutoRefresh.Caption=Actualitzar llista d'usuaris cada
rgCommonChatLog.Items=#"Cap","Afegir al final de l'arxiu ""Common.log"" ","Sobreescriure arxiu ""Common.log"" cada volta que s'inicie el programa"#
rgPrivateMessagesLog.Caption=Missatges privats:
rgPrivateMessagesLog.Items=#"Cap","Afegir al final de l'arxiu ""Private.log"" ","Sobreescriure arxiu ""Private.log"" cada volta que s'inicie el programa"#
edPassword.Hint=Contransenya per poder entrar en la cambra
Caption=Seleccionar grups de feina/dominis
BitBtnAddAll.Caption=Afegir tot
Caption=Resposta automαtica
tsSpeaker.Caption=Altaveu del PC
tsFile.Caption=arxiu WAVE
pmnuIgnore.Caption=Ignorar usuari
pmnuIgnore2.Caption=Ignorar-ho tot
9000=Arriba una alerta\rS'ha creat una cambra privada\rS'ha creat una cambra\rS'actualitzat el taulell de missatges\rAlg· estα parlant en la cambra principal\rAplega un missatge en linia\rAplega un missatge privat\rAplega un missatge privat massiu\rAplega un missatge privat\rEs conecta un nou usuari\rEs desconecta un usuari\rUn usuari es canvia el nom (apodo)
9001=Es crea una nova cambra privada\rEs crea una nova cambra\rS'actualitzat el taulell de missatges\rUn nou usuari s'ha conectat\rUn usuari s'ha desconectat\rUn usuari es canvia el nom (apodo)
9002=Comandos disponibles:
9003=/? - aquesta ajuda (llista de comandos disponibles)\r\n/help - aquesta ajuda (llista de comandos disponibles)\r\n/cmdlist - aquesta ajuda (llista de comandos disponibles)
9004=/clear - neteja l'actual finestra de missatges
9005=/clear_history - neteja l'hist≥ric de missatges
9006=/refresh - actualitza la llista d'usuaris\r\n/who - actualitza la llista d'usuaris